Wednesday, July 7, 2010

every morning

"Once again, as predicted, left my broken heart open and you ripped it out."

Brooke knew she looked perfect tonight. Little black dress. Strappy, red stilettos. She had taken special to make sure every part of her was as alluring as possible. And as she walked through the club that night, she knew she would be able to accomplish her task.

After about an hour in the club, she spotted him. Martin. He was there with his friends as she had suspected. She caught him eyeing her once and Brooke knew her plan would work. She smiled coyly at him and was pleased to see that such a simple thing gave him the courage to come over.

As Martin began making his way across the room, Brooke turned to get a new drink at the bar. And to enact step two of her plan. She spotted a suitable guy towards the end of the bar. Well-dressed, well-groomed, offering to pay for her drink which she readily accepted.

Brooke couldn't have planned the timing better. Martin stopped to speak to her friends before making his final approach to her. By the time he got to her, Brooke was flirting shamelessly with the bar guy. She casually said hey to Martin, giving him as much attention and affection as a distant cousin, and then turned back to her conversation with the bar guy. But not before she caught the look of astonishment and disappointment cross Martin's face.

Brooke had a hard time masking her face. And stopping the small part of her that wanted to grab Martin and apologize. But she quickly shook off her doubt. It had taken her too long to get past her own astonishment and disappointment over how casually Martin had treated her recently. Brooke had made the mistake once already to open herself to him, only to be shaken by his lack of call and apparent lack of care. But she was not the type to wallow in self-pity too long. Getting even was much more liberating.

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