Monday, July 6, 2009


"I don't regret this life chose for me. But these places and these faces are getting old."

The last three months had been nothing short of a whirlwind. Anderson was convinced his recent success was based more on luck than actual talent. But he was dedicated to earning the generous promotion the magazine had given him.

Six months ago, Anderson was a photography intern at the nation's top geographic magazine. He traveled to China with his supervisor, and had quietly taken pictures of China's most beautiful landscapes at sunrise. He was shocked when the magazine chose to publish his photos over the supervisor. And even more surprised when he was promoted to staff photographer four weeks ago.

Anderson was traveling the world. He photographed fields of green. Snow-capped mountains. Majestic forests. Endless deserts. It was really quite a ride. A constant vacation.

But Anderson had become nostalgic. He missed the summer fun of baseball and bbqs. He missed driving, grabbing a movie or lunch with friends. It was almost funny because he had heard the staff talk about these same things that he was feeling. The nostalgia, the loneliness. And it had always seemed utterly bizarre to him. How could anyone not enjoy such a free and grand lifestyle.

Yet here he was, longing for a vacation from sunny beaches, gentle ski slopes, and natural wonders.

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