Thursday, May 20, 2010

save the best for last

"It's not the way I hoped or how I planned, but somehow its enough."

Her decision had been made. Janet had sat on the bed, staring into the bathroom for hours. She could see the test stick on the counter and knew what it indicated. She was pregnant.

It wasn't the right time. Janet was in her first year of an MBA program. It had been such a struggle to decide what she wanted to do with her life. Once she had realized she wanted to work in business and hopefully start her own, she had worked diligently to get into one of the best MBA programs in the country. And these first three months had been challenging and time consuming.

It wasn't the right guy. Walker was a classmate that she had been paired up with the first day of one of her classes. Their task had been to create a fake business from the ground up. After only two weeks working together, they became intimate. Walker wasn't even her type. It seemed more a hook-up of convenience and duress from all the stress than some irresistible love connection.

Janet had always dreamed of having children. She could imagine herself in a beautiful house. With a husband, two kids and a dog. But she wanted those things first. A husband, a house, a career, some financial security. Still she had made a decision. And once made, there was no room for regret or doubt.

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