Monday, June 29, 2009

one step at a time

"Its like learning to fly or falling in love: its gonna hapen when its supposed to happen."

There was no sense of urgency in their movement. Thomas had watched these two girls grow up and had always waited for them to ask for his help. Every girl needs their daddy's help, right. He had been there to feed them, tie their shoelaces, teach them to drive. The list went on.

But today he had asked if they needed his help and they said no. It was the hardest day of their life and they were about to stand alone. Without him or his help. To be honest, Thomas was at a loss. He had counted on them to distract him from the day. And they had, but in a most discomforting way.

It was their moment. Meghan and Taylor stood up, walked to the front of the church, and began to speak. But to Thomas' surprise, they didn't talk about their Mom. They didn't give some expected speech about how great their mom was, how much they loved her, how much they would miss her.

Taylor talked about the woman her mom was. The way she took pride in her work, whether it was a report for her boss or a homemade dinner for her family. And her kindness. She smiled at strangers, gave to needy. And her strength. Life was hard but her mom had never complained, and was always grateful for the good as well as the bad.

Meghan talked about the way she loved. The energy she put into her family. How important it was for the people she loved to be happy. The compassion that poured out of her almost unwillingly.

The two girls came back and sat down by Thomas. They sat on either side and held his hands. Thomas cried. He cried for the wife he lost. He cried at the moving eulogy his daughters had just given. And he also cried to see his daughters stand alone. To see them so strong and capable.

It was a bittersweet realization that his girls were grown now. That although they may still want him to be there, to kiss their boo-boos and say everything would be okay, to help them navigate through the lessons of life, the girls didn't need him. He had gave them all they needed to fly.

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