Tuesday, March 17, 2009

who can i run to

"As I stand here contemplating on the right thing to decide, will I take the wrong direction all my life?"

Here comes another dilemma. MJ sat heavily on the wooden bar stool in the kitchen. She laid her head an the countertop and found the cold granite to somehow be oddly comforting. But still her mind raced. MJ had a decision to make, and truth be told, she hated making decisions. She was terrified of being solely responsible for making the wrong choice. No scapegoats, no blame. Just her.

And she sat there on the stool with her head pressed to the countertop for a while, until the awkward position began to make her neck ache. MJ sat up with hesitation. She needed another distraction.

Ice cream will help. She grabbed a pint of Ben & Jerry's from the fridge and shuffled into the living room. MJ ate and she thought. Ms. Anthony was expecting her phone call any moment. She wrote down all the practical reasons why staying was the best option. Then she wrote down the one reason why taking advantage of this opportunity would be so amazing.

Finally, she reached for the phone. Ms. Anthony answered on the second ring. MJ confidently informed her that she would take the gig, and that it would only take her three days to formally withdraw from school and pack up her things. Some dreams are worth the risk, MJ thought assuredly as she hung up the phone. But really she was terrified of the choice she had just made.

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